On this episode of On the Mic I get a chance to sit down and talk to Anders Jovaag from Adam Audio. We talk about about the importance of visuals, video and, photos for artists and musicians. We talk about Adam Audio as a brand, the best studio monitors for you, and much more.
Visit Anders Jovaag ➨ https://www.instagram.com/andersnjovaag/
Visit Adam Audio ➨ https://www.adam-audio.com/en/
Visit us now! ➨ https://www.keefkeyz.com
Free Beats/Ebook/tips ➨ https://awfe839.aweberpages.com/p/cc4…
Purchase/Download Beats ➨ https://www.keefkeyz.com
Recording gear used ➨ https://keefkeyz.com/studio-gear/
Instagram ➨ https://instagram.com/keef_keyz
Twitter ➨ https://twitter.com/keef_keyz
Soundcloud ➨ https://soundcloud.com/keefkeyz
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